We got to visit a public hospital on Wed and talk about health and Honduras. How being a third world country affects that way people live and are. I learned things about malnutrition (like how pregnant women do not eat veggie so they don’t get enough folic acid in their diet and they babies are born with problems due to this. Also the fact that clean, portable water is hard for many people to get. The government does not spend the money it should on health care. The rooms are over crowed and there are not enough nurses and doctors. Walking around the hospital I felt sick. It was kinda dirty and loud and it smelled like sick people, I could never do the medical thing- props to those who do. Though I did feel like I was part of an episode of ER or Grey’s Anatomy : ) Also another thing that seems important in regards to health is sex education. There are many girls getting pregnant at such young ages. Birth control seems like it is a hassle for girls and its hard to get, especially if you are poor. I know World Vision – Honduras has a program which they are going around to the campomentos and doing sex education, along with STDS which a huge!!! problem among people there but incorporating Christian values – love it!
We also visited the Congress so I posted some photos from that visit! That visit was cool-we had one of the diplomats for Honduras talk to us and she was very outgoing, outspoken, and liberal. It was interesting.

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