The game was great. “We” won. Haha 2-0 and I had the best time hanging out with everyone. It makes me miss playing soccer…

This week has been crazy! I had a huge development paper do on Friday. In Spanish we had a test on Thur (alwful! :/) and paper due on Fri with a presentation, I was a little stressed out. But now everything is done and this weekend the gang is going to La Cebia. I’m looking forward to that!
We found this coffee shop, like like Starbucks because they are on every corner, called Café Americano, and they have the best Chai lattes. Ok so not the best but mmm they are good.
Everyone drinks coffee here and so the morning I need a pick me upper, I do too. Well, the other day Lauren got M and Ms and we were eating them with our coffee during class- Oh MY GOODNESS I don’t know why someone didn’t show me how amazing coffee and chocolate is together. (Hahah- I love you Dad!) Anyways, I do not want to become an addict but wow such a good snack.
I got my hair trimmed! You really cant tell a difference but I wanted the split ends off. Katie did it for me yesterday, so we had some fun bonding time.
I’ve been running each morning for about 30 min with two other girls in my neighborhood. The other day I finished off with some sprints and man I’m sore! Lol. There a little soccer dirt field like thing which we run around – there are usually about 15 other people there too so I feel pretty safe.
These next few weeks I will not be at home. We are going to the north to study. We are looking at macro issues like bananasWe are visiting banana plantations, Maqulias, taking about violence and gangs. (We have to choose a topic to write a 15 page paper on and I’m thinking it would be very interesting to study about gangs, drugs and violence in Central America and how that affects the world and poverty), debt, the environment, and corruption. So we leave Friday the 7th and are done the 19th.
Then from the 20-30 we have spring break. I am going to Guatemala and it is a lot easy just to leave from the north so not come back home so then I will be gone another week! My mom and sis were sad cause I said I wasn’t coming home until the end of the month. They are such amazing people, I love living here and I’m super excited about spring break but I also am going to miss them.
OH- AND I did have my address right, sorry so if you want to send me mail do it! (see the first post in jan) Hehe. I’m being starved of music so if you want to make me happy you can send me a mix of all the new cool songs.
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