Friday, March 7, 2008

Let them Eat Big Macs

In class this week we have been talking about why Christians should care about the poor and how to do development work. Here is an except from my journal/notes in class

We are starting the second class- wow! The articles we read were about the rich and poor. The bible talks a lot about the poor, orphans, widows (more than gays and premarital sex which makes me kinda mad that the church puts such an importance on theses things are ignores the other but that’s another discussion). We are all members of the body of Christ; rich or poor and we all have important parts in His body. There are a few quotes I like or thought were interesting and I want to think about them more and dig deeper.
“Whatever promoted happiness of men in society was good and whatever harmed human existence was bad”
“People are what development is about”
“Changed lives change the world”
“We do not go with our flashlights to search out the dark”
We also discussed why Christians should care about development and the poor. We came up with a lot of good ideas. One being that we are all created in His image and we are supposes to take care of our neighbor as ourselves. This verse always reminds me of a comedian who joked about how we always give the homeless the stuff we don’t want like canned beets and old pumpkin pie and a bag of microwaveable popcorn. How the homeless are still hungry, don’t have a microwave and have gas. I need to take care of the poor/homeless as if I would want to be treated.

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