Sunday, April 13, 2008

hi friends

This past week has been crazy and busy. We have a 15 page development paper due on Friday which I finished and was very proud of myself. We had to choose a topic to research and I learned all about gangs and violence in Honduras and Central America. Very interesting! If anyone wants to learn more I have lots of info but the bottom line is that there are two main gangs. 18th Street and MS-13 who dominate everything. Both of these originated in LA too….

There is a cute little coffee shop that on Tuesdays shows foreign films and on Thursdays local poets come and read their poetry. Lauren and I have been going and it is so nice to meet locals and I have totally learned to appreciate art more- which leads me to this weekend. Saturday, Katie, Karen, Jill and I went to a local museum and it was really cool to see local artists and their different styles. On Sunday Lauren and Kenya and I went to another museum where there was a Frida Kahlo exhibit. It was really interesting.

This week we are going to Olcancho for the week to do research. I and two other girls are going to be researching health. I’m very excited!

The weather here has been so weird! Really hot during the day and then kinda raining at night.

Less than a month left! Ahhhhhhhhhhh

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