Sunday, April 27, 2008

water project

There is a small town called Nueva Suyapa, where water only comes through the faucet about once every 7 to 10 days. We each have a buddy who lives there and we spend Weds up there with them hanging out, playing soccer or just chatting. If you're very poor, you don't usually have anywhere to store that water, so on the day the water comes you fill up every container you have--barrels, buckets and in what is usually the only option for the very poorest--scores of 2 liter Coke bottles you've stored up. Most poor women dream of having a real pila--a cement water tank with a washing board attached that lets you store water to do your wash, take a bath, do the dishes and clean your home. But pilas cost about $200 to build, and when you're making less than $100 a month, it might as well be $2,000. Pilas improve women's lives in so many ways. They make storing water feasible so they don't have to drag their clothes down to the dirty river to wash them, it allows them to bathe their children and themselves regularly and to keep their homes and dishes cleaner which improves health. Pilas are a great investment in the lives of these hard-working women who have so few luxuries in their lives.

One thing I have learned being here is how important water is. (Something happen to our water tank last week and we didn’t have water from the faucet for 4 days). I had to take bucket showers, we couldn’t wash clothes or our dishes- it was just stressful. I am really excited to have this tangible opportunity to help some women out.

There are 14 women on a list waiting to receive a pila. In a couple weeks we are hoping to raise about $1,400. (Each pila costs about $200 and there are 14 women waiting to receive one).

So, I am posting this and asking if anything you can give will be fabulous and put to immediate good use!! They can send a check earmarked PILA PROJECT to:

Stewardship of Christian Ministries
10310 E. Jewell Ave #54
Denver, CO 80247

If you guys do send a check (so we can keep track of our goal) or want more information about this project we are doing shoot me and email.

love, Cara

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